Bank Exam preparations-Previous papers & notes
General Awareness
1. What is the population of India ?(A) 98 crores(B) More than 2 billion(C) More than 1 billion(D) Less than 96 crores(E) 96 crores2. Thermostat is an instrument used to—(A) measure flow of current(B) measure intensity of voltage(C) regulate temperature(D) regulate velocity of sound(E) None of these3. Wimbledon Trophy is associated with—(A) Football (B) Cricket(C) Hockey (D) Basketball(E) Lawn Tennis4. GNP stands for—(A) Gross National Product(B) Group Net Product(C) Grand Nuclear Process(D) Group Networking Process(E) None of these5. ‘Acoustics’ is the science of the study of—(A) Light (B) Sound(C) Electricity (D) Magnetism(E) None of these6. Noise pollution is measured in the unit called—(A) micron(B) nautical miles(C) ohms(D) ampere(E) decibel7. ‘Heavy Water’ is used in which of the following types of indus-tries ?(A) Sugar(B) Nuclear Power(C) Textile(D) Coal(E) None of these8. Who amongst the following is the author of the book ‘Indomi-table Spirit’?(A) Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam(B) Dr. Manmohan Singh(C) Justice K. G. Balakrishna(D) Mr. Natwar Singh(E) None of these9. Which of the following is not the name of popular IT/Software Company ?(A) Wipro (B) Mastek(C) Toyota (D) IBM(E) Infosys10. ‘Yen’ is the currency of—(A) South Korea(B) China(C) Indonesia(D) Malaysia(E) None of these11. Baichung Bhutia whose name was in news is a well known—(A) Music Director of Indian films(B) English author of Indian origin(C) Journalist(D) Politician(E) Sports Personality12. ‘Richter Scale’ is used to measure which of the following ?(A) Intensity of Tsunami Waves(B) Intensity of Earthquake(C) Density of salt in Sea water(D) Flow of electric current(E) None of these13. Which of the following best explains ‘e-governance’?(A) Improving the functioning of government(B) Teaching government emp-loyees the basics of computing(C) Delivery of public services through internet(D) Framing of cyber-laws of chatting on internet(E) Convergence of e-mail and video-conferencing14. CAS is associated with which of the following ?(A) Legal System Reforms(B) Piped gas line(C) Cable T.V.(D) Mobile phone regulation(E) None of these15. Tata Steel recently acquired the Corus, a steel giant situated in—(A) South Africa(B) Ukraine(C) Australia(D) Italy(E) Britain16. Which of the following is the abbreviated name of the Organi-zation/Agency working in the field of Space Research ?(A) ISBN(B) ISRO(C) INTELSET(D) INTACH(E) None of these17. ‘Handshaking’ in Networking parlance means—(A) connecting computers to a hub(B) distributed Networks(C) having same operating system on different computers(D) sending e-mail(E) None of these18. VAT stands for—(A) Value And Tax(B) Value Added Tax(C) Virtual Action Tasks(D) Virtual Assessment Tech-nique(E) None of these19. Alzheimer’sdiseaseistheailment of which of the following organs /parts of the human body ?(A) Kidney (B) Heart(C) Liver (D) Stomach(E) Brain20. Global warming is a matter of concern amongst the nations these days. Which of the follo-wing countries is the largest emitter of greenhouse gases in the World ?(A) U.S.A. (B) China(C) India(D) Britain(E) None of these21. Which of the following books has been written by Bill Gates ?(A) Microsoft Secrets(B) The Road Ahead(C) The Elephant Paradigm(D) e-commerce(E) None of these22. Which of the following is the name of the social network service run by the Google on the internet ?(A) Online Space(B) Orkut(C) Net-Space(D) Wikipedia(E) None of these23. Which of the following states is a relatively new addition ?(A) Goa(B) Delhi(C) Uttarakhand(D) Himachal Pradesh(E) Bihar24. DOT stands for—(A) Disc Operating Therapy(B) Department of Telephones(C) Directorate of Technology(D) Damage on Time(E) None of these25. Which of the following States/ parts of India is completely land locked having no contact with sea ?(A) Karnataka(B) Orissa(C) Maharashtra(D) North-East(E) None of these26. TRAI regulates the functioning of which of the following servi-ces ?(A) Telecom (B) Trade(C) Port (D) Transport(E) None of these27. At present for the ATMs in India, the most commonly used net-work communication mode is—(A) Very Small Aperture Termi-nal (VSAT)(B) General Packet Radio Ser-vice (GPRS)(C) Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA)(D) Dial-in Connection(E) None of these28. Which of the following is not a foreign bank operating in India ?(A) DBS Bank Ltd.(B) Sonali Bank(C) J. P. Morgan Chase Bank(D) Shinhan Bank(E) All are Foreign Banks29. Who is the author of the book ‘Future Shock’ ?(A) Alvin Toffler(B) Tom Peters(C) Napoleon Hill(D) Kenneth Blanchard(E) None of these30. Apex fares are—(A) more than the normal fare(B) less than the normal fare(C) offered only to corporate clients(D) applicable to late night flights only(E) applicable to international flights only31. Who amongst the following is the Director of the film ‘Water’ which was in news ?(A) Vidhu Vinod Chopra(B) Mrinal Sen(C) Gulzar(D) Mahesh Bhatt(E) None of these32. The 10th plan period is upto—(A) 2007 (B) 2008(C) 2009 (D) 2010(E) None of these33. OPEC is a group of countries which are—(A) exporting oil(B) producting cotton(C) rich and developed(D) developing and poor(E) nuclear powers34. Intel Company mainly pro-duces—(A) Hard disks(B) VCDs(C) Monitors(D) Software(E) None of these34. Intel Company mainly pro-duces—(A) Hard disks(B) VCDs(C) Monitors(D) Software(E) None of these35. Who amongst the following is the M.D./Chairman of one of the major Steel Companies ?(A) Shri L. N. Mittal(B) Shri K. K. Birla(C) Shri Vijaypat Singhania(D) Shri Mukesh Ambani(E) Shri Anil Agarwal36. Who is the President of Nass-com?(A) Kiran Karnik(B) Narayana Murthy(C) Pramod Desai(D) Devang Mehta(E) None of these37. Which of the following awards is not given for excellence in the field of literature ?(A) Booker Prize(B) Nobel Prize(C) Pulitzer Price(D) Arjun Award(E) Bharatiya Gnanpith Award38. ‘Singur’ which was in news is a place in—(A) Orissa(B) West Bengal(C) Jharkhand(D) Bihar(E) Maharashtra39. Who amongst the following is the author of the book series named as ‘Harry Potter’ ?(A) J. K. Rowling(B) Lindsay Lohan(C) Julia Roberts(D) Sandra Bullock(E) None of these40. Which of the following Satellites recentlydedicatedtonation helps Direct to Home Television Ser-vice in India ?(A) Matsat(B) Edusat(C) Insat–4b(D) Insat–IB(E) None of these41. Many a times we read some news items about the ‘West Bank’. ‘West Bank’ is situated at the western side of the river—(A) Mississippi(B) Amazon(C) Nile(D) Jordan(E) None of these42. Which of the following pheno-menon is considered responsible for ‘Global Warming’ ?(A) Greenhouse Gas Effect(B) Fox Fire(C) Dry Farming(D) Radioactivity(E) None of these43. Which of the following instru-ments is not issued by a bank ?(A) Demand Draft(B) Pay Order(C) Debit Card(D) Credit Card(E) National Saving Certificate44. Name of Jyoti Randhawa is asso-ciated with which of the follo-wing games ?(A) Golf(B) Badminton(C) Hockey(D) Chess(E) None of these45. Which of the following Software Companies recently launched its education portal ‘Unlimited Potential’ in India ?(A) Microsoft (B) Infosys(C) Wipro (D) TCS(E) None of these46. Polly Umrigar who died was a well known—(A) Cricketer(B) Tennis Player(C) Golfer(D) Chess Player(E) Hockey Player47. In India Census is done after a gap of every—(A) Five years(B) Seven years(C) Eight years(D) Ten years(E) Fifteen years48. Prof. Muhammad Yunus the recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize 2006 is the exponent of which of the following concepts in the field of banking ?(A) Core Banking(B) Micro Credit(C) Retail Banking(D) Real Time Gross Settlement(E) Internet Banking49. Who amongst the following was India’s official candidate for the post of UNO’s Secretary Gene- ral ?(A) Mr. Shyam Saran(B) Dr. C. Rangarajan(C) Mr. Shashi Tharoor(D) Mr. Vijay Nambiar(E) None of these50. Mr. Gordon Brown has taken over as the Prime Minister of—(A) Italy(B) Canada(C) France(D) South Africa(E) BritainAnswers with Explanation:-1. (C) 2. (C) 3. (E) 4. (A) 5. (B) 6. (E) 7. (B)8. (A) Indomitable Spirit is a book authored by Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam the ex-President of India. The book brings together the values, thoughts and ideas of President Kalam as reflected in his speeches and addresses. Interspersed with interesting ancedotes and observations, indomitable Spirit represents the quintessential A.P.J. Abdul Kalam—the man, the scientist, the teacher and the President.9. (C) 10. (E)11. (E) Baichung Bhutia is a football player from India. He is known by his fans as the torchbearer of Indian football in the inter-national arena. He is currently captain of Indian team and plays for Mohan Bagan.12. (B) 13. (C)14. (C) A Conditional Access System (CAS) is a system by which ele-ctronic transmission of digital Media, especially satellite televi-sion signals through cable is limited to subscribed clients. This is called conditional access. The signal is encrypted and is unav-ailable for unauthorised recep-tion. A set-top box containing a conditional access Module is required in the customer premi-ses to receive and decrypt the signal. CAS is now becoming a significant concern for Major companies in the DVB-H Market because broadcasters are looking to control the digital signals that they will be broadcasting.15. (E) 16. (B)17. (A) Handshaking is a network-ing process when two computers establish a connection. An example of a handshake is when your modern dialup’s to a com-puter network and agrees on baud rate, error correction and compression protocols. Hand-shaking usually occurs when packets of data are exchanged between two computers.18. (B) 19. (E) 20. (B)21. (B) The Road Ahead, a book written by Bill Gates, Nathan Myhrvold and Peter Rinearson, andPublishedinNovember 1995, summarized the implications of the personal computing revolu-tion and described a future profoundly changed by the arri-val of a global interactive net-work.22. (B) Orkut is an internet social network service run by Google and named after its creator, Google employee Orkut Buyuk-kokten. It claims to be designed to help user meet new friends and maintain existing relation-ships.Similar to facebook, friend-ster and my space. Orkut was launched in January 2004 by the search company Google. In Octo-ber 2006, Orkut stated to have 37 million account and 1·3 million daily visitors. As of August 2007, the service claimed 67 million users.23. (C)24. (E) Dot stands for Department of Telecommunications.25. (D)26. (A) The Telecommunications Regulatory Authority of India or TRAI (established 1997) is the independent regulator establis-hed by the Government of India to regulate the telecommunica-tions business in India.27. (A) 28. (E)29. (A) Future Shock is a book written by the Sociologist and Futurologist Alvin Toffler in 1970. The book is actually an extension of an article of the same name that Toffler wrote for the February 1970 issue of play-boy. The book has sold over 6 million copies and has been widely translated. A documen-tary film based on the book was released in 1972 with Orson Welles as on screen.30. (B)31. (E) Water 2005, is an Academy Award-nominated Canadian film directed and written by Deepa Mehta. It is set in 1938 and explores the lives of widows at an ashram in Vanarasi, India. The film is also the third part of a linked trilogy by Mehta, prece-ded by fire (1996) and Earth (1998).32. (A) 33. (A)34. (E) Intel Company mainly pro-duces Microprocessor, Flash memory, Motherboard Chipsets, Network Interface card, Blue-tooth Chipsets etc.35. (A) 36. (A) 37. (D) 38. (b) 39. (a)40. (c)41. (d) The West Bank, also known as ‘Judea and Samaria’ is a landlocked territory on the West Bank of the Jordon River in the middle east. Since 1967 most of the West Bank has been under Israeli occupation.42. (a) 43. (e) 44. (a) 45. (a) 46. (a) 47. (D)48. (b) Muhammad Yunus is a Bangladeshi banker and econo-mist. He previously was a profe-ssor of Economics and is famous for his successful application of Microcredit. The extension of small loans. These loans are given to entrepreneurs too poor to qualify for traditional bank loans. Yunus is also the founder of Grameen Bank. In 2006 Yunus and the bank were jointly awar-ded the Nobel Peace Prize.49. (C)50. (E) James Gordon Brown is the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. He took office on June 27, 2007, three days after becoming leader of the Labour Party
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